Only $5 to go!
$5 to go! That is if you are up for the challenge!
Thanks so much for all who have been praying for us! God is so good, even when things go sideways. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, our family was visited by the Delta Variant of Coronavirus😊 I know, not really the sort of visitor one would want to see around the holidays. We were able to celebrate Thanksgiving, pass nearly 3 weeks of illness around the house, followed by celebrating Christmas with family and new years with friends.
Between our friends and family, we were well cared for and are so thankful for the many of you that prayed with us during that time and dropped food off. What a blessing!
After cancelling several meetings due to sickness, we were finally able to get back to the work of raising funds. We stand, not at the 100% that we hoped for but very close, nonetheless. Not a huge jump from last update but we are heading the right direction. We currently are $2000 short in monthly ongoing support and are hoping to finish that shortly.
On a ministry note, we have experienced great connections with Churches, small groups and individuals. We also seek to share Jesus with unbelievers as we go. Please continue to pray for Ethan as he is processing the gospel. He is not convinced yet, but we continue to meet and study God’s word. Also pray for my friend Gabriel. I have worked with Gabe for 5 years now, sharing Jesus when I could, but he had shown no openness to the gospel. Gabe is a mid 40’s Mexican immigrant who is a staunch Catholic. As I spoke with him this week, he opened up for the first time and admitted that he had no idea if he would spend eternity with God or if he was good enough to be saved. As we talked, I asked if he would consider doing a Bible Study with me and he agreed. Pray for Gabe’s salvation along with his wife, Felicitas and their 3 children.
On a family note, please note we are all ready to GO as soon as we do gain full support. We even listed our home for sale in Carlisle just a week ago and have already had a few showings! We had not planned on selling our home but realize what a burden it could be from so far away. We know God will bring the right buyer along.
Now, onto the challenge!
As we know, many hands makes light work. And $2k might sound like a lot, but it is closer than you might imagine. Its really only $5 away from our goal. You might be thinking, “$5 and $2k are two very far off numbers! Where did you learn to do math? Iowa?” Well yes I did but please give me a moment to explain. If each person on our email list that is currently not giving, started to give $5 per month, we would be fully funded! Not a year or two from now but right now!
So, I would like to lay down a challenge! Give 5 DOLLARS MONTHLY! There are 3 options if you want to participate in this challenge.
1. If you are not currently giving to our ministry to Peru, would you do that now? $5 per month. If God leads you to do more, then please do so, but at minimum, consider joining us not only in prayer but in generosity.
2. If you are a current giver and desire to increase $5 or more, please consider that as well. We are so thankful for your generosity and desire to use your gifts to further the gospel wherever God has us.
3. Invite someone you know to give $5 with you. Share this challenge to your Facebook Friends to see if God would move them to be generous towards reaching people in Peru as well.
I know that may seem like a bold request to a broad group of people to consider, but that boldness is tempered with humility knowing God’s timing is perfect.
3 Prayer Requests
1. Salvation of Ethan and Gabe
2. Sale of our home
3. Full funding and off to the field in short order