Happy Sunday!
Greetings from Lima!
Thanks so much for your continued prayer and support of our ministry here in Peru. We have been challenged and blessed in so many ways as we approach the 11 month mark in our transition to Peru and language training.
Not a ton has changed since our last update. We continue to work on the language, culture acclamation, relationship building, becoming educated on the many legal and government processes and regulation in regard to finding land for our future church home. Much of what I do right now is serve in background ways, behind the scenes. The work is tedious, inglorious, but very necessary. We know God brought us here to serve and we intend to do so to the best of our ability so long as God has us here.
Debbie’s language tutor is getting ready to move, so pray with us, that we are able to hire another in short order. One that can help take her to the next level. We are also looking into getting a tutor for our kids as the older kids need more formal training than just playing with other kids. The younger two just need dedicated time so we think this is the likely next step. Fortunately, we have finished school for the year and are excited to have a break from the homeschool schedule to serve more and see more of the city. This place is huge and it has been impossible to see all of it thus far.
Sometimes turtles visit soccer practice:)
A weird thing that happened recently about a month ago. A family of rats took up residence in our car! At first I thought it just one, but it turns out it was 4 rats in total! AHHH. And they chewed it up a little bit too. Thankfully nothing major but if you can imagine what it felt like driving from place to place KNOWING there were rats in the car was not our favorite thing.
Pizza with the Police! Had fun sharing Christ with these guys.
Recently, a team from Saylorville came down to visit the Frerichs and our family. It has been a great blessing serving alongside them in different ways while present. One highlight was just yesterday when we were able to share the gospel with a group of children in a poorer area of town. We were there to hand out new shoes and share Jesus, and what a joy it was. To see the joy when the kids got up and ran around with their new shoes. Super fun! We are heading out to church this morning but wanted to drop this note to you quickly. Blessings!
Getting started with Gospel Presentation with the kids!
Some blessings:
Our kids are adjusting well and are making friends.
We have been able to help cast a vision for a future home for our church. (our church goal is to raise $100,000.00 in one year towards the debt free purchase of a future church home)
I recently have had the opportunity to re-engage with my old neighbor Pasqual. Pray for his salvation.
Debbie continues to make progress in the language, little by little.
Some Prayer Requests:
Language: Both the kids and Debbie have a lot to learn, so continue praying.
We are in the early stages of trying to get a small group Bible study going in our home. There seems to be genuine interest among believers and unbelievers. Pray with us that we can get that accomplished in short order.
We found out recently that we have lost some of our support. Pray that God moves in his people to fill the gap that was recently made.
Pray with us for clarity as we are earnestly praying that God raise up a Peruvian to plant the next work that we hope to see launch in the next 2-3 years.
Pray for our Visas- they are still in limbo with no end in sight. The unfortunate truth is, we may be forced to leave, so keep praying!